Upper Extremity

In instances of full-thickness osteochondral fracture defects, S-core may be used for bone fixation and tissue attachment/augmentation, below the hyaline cartilage surface, to eliminate contact with sensitive articulating surfaces.
S-Core® Platform

Hand / Wrist

PRC: Upon excision of the proximal bones surgeon may see lesion in base of the Capitate or Lunate Fossa.

CMC Arthroplasty: S-Core® technique negates the need for trapeziectomy or LRTI procedure. Preserves Grip Strength, Preserves Pinch Strength, reduce OR time, patient mobilizes immediately.

Distal Radius: Past trauma can leave lesions or cause arthritic changes of the distal radius. Lunate Fossa or Scaphoid Fossa

Hand / Wrist


Elbow: S-Core® provides a simple, reproducible cost effective solution for patients with OCD or OA of the elbow joint. S-Core® restores joint contact pressures of the radiocapitellar joint. Its strong time zero fixation allows the patient the ability to immediately mobilize thus reducing potential flexion contracture.




Surgical Technique Animation
Radiocapitellar Contact Characteristics After Osteochondral Defect Repair Using a Novel Hybrid Reconstructive Procedure
Shoulder SCS Vignette - Hill-Sachs Defect and Distal Clavicle Osteolysis
510(k) K220901 - S-Core® Indications for use
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