Upper Extremity

In instances of full-thickness osteochondral fracture defects, S-core may be used for bone fixation and tissue attachment/augmentation, below the hyaline cartilage surface, to eliminate contact with sensitive articulating surfaces.
S-Core® Platform

Hand / Wrist

PRC: Upon excision of the proximal bones surgeon may see lesion in base of the Capitate or Lunate Fossa.

CMC Arthroplasty: S-Core® technique negates the need for trapeziectomy or LRTI procedure. Preserves Grip Strength, Preserves Pinch Strength, reduce OR time, patient mobilizes immediately.

Distal Radius: Past trauma can leave lesions or cause arthritic changes of the distal radius. Lunate Fossa or Scaphoid Fossa

Hand / Wrist


Elbow: S-Core® provides a simple, reproducible cost effective solution for patients with OCD or OA of the elbow joint. S-Core® restores joint contact pressures of the radiocapitellar joint. Its strong time zero fixation allows the patient the ability to immediately mobilize thus reducing potential flexion contracture.




510(k) K220901 - S-Core® Indications for use
Shoulder SCS Vignette - Hill-Sachs Defect and Distal Clavicle Osteolysis
Surgical Technique Animation
Radiocapitellar Contact Characteristics After Osteochondral Defect Repair Using a Novel Hybrid Reconstructive Procedure
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